Rebellious Jukebox

An eclectic music show which frequently includes features and interviews with artists from the local community.

Rebellious Jukebox

Running since 2018, the Rebellious Jukebox is on air every Thursday evening from 8.00 until 9.00.So what is there for a music show to rebel against? Well, possibly the mediocre, possibly the manufactured; certainly the mundane. There are no rules here: a particular show is just as likely to be influenced by a weekend at WOMAD or the Cambridge Folk Festival, as by memories of listening to John Peel or Tommy Vance back in the early eighties.Julian moved to Frome in 2015: “One of the best things I’ve ever done.”

Music and bicycles are top of the hobbies list, and there are ample opportunities to indulge in both in Frome. He bought his first album in 1980; AC/DC’s Highway to Hell; still a favourite, and has been collecting music ever since.In the true spirit of community radio, every show attemps to feature artists and topics from the local area: there are often interviews with local musicians or people otherwise involved in Frome's hotbed of entertainment and cultural establishments.

If you think you might have an interesting feature for the show, or if you are a musician and you think your music would be suitable for the show, please get in touch.Check out the Rebellious Jukebox: every show aims to be a deluge of musical diversity and excellence.

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