On-Air Book Group

We’re like any book group, we start talking about one book then ramble on, but for this one you don’t even have to leave home !

On-Air Book Group

Each month we choose a book, then come together to discuss it. Plus there’s music and often a guest.

Presented by Helen Ottaway, Polly Ellis and Sheila Hedges  with  sound engineer Ed Timoshyshyn, the On-Air Book Group is broadcast on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm and repeated the following week.
With a wide range of different books, we have covered biographies, the arts, nature, murder; we have read re-writes of the classics, and new interpretations of old legends.
Our last few shows, which can be found on Mixcloud are -
95. 24th June How to be Both by Ali Smith
96. 18th July Short stories based on Edward Hopper paintings with Steve Barton, ex FFM presenter and author of short short stories
97. 15th August Small Fires by Rebecca May Johnson

98. 19th September You are Here by David Nicholls

Our next programmes -

99. 17th October Things I Don't Want to Know by Deborah Levy with guest author Felice Hardy

100. 21st November        Undreamed Shores by Frances Larson and guest author Clare Reddaway

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Have an idea for a radio show?  Do you have a passion or interest you want to share with the world?  Want to join our growing community?  Get in touch and we will train you to be a radio presenter!