Variations on a Theme

Variations on a Theme with Eleanor Talbot is a weekly 2 hour show that focuses on themes.

Variations on a Theme

Variations on a Theme with Eleanor Talbot is a weekly 2 hour show that focuses on themes such as “Coming of Age”, “Mad Scientists”, “Cats & Dogs” and “The Call of the Sea” - there’s always a story for a song.

Each show features an eclectic selection of music from many different genres; musically speaking, I have no boundaries and like to explore pieces from places outside my community and country as well as championing local talent.

In-between music sets are stories, facts and guest interviews pertaining to the theme. I try to curate music that is not generally Top-40 preferring to look to alternative and independent artists and to the greats of the past as well as mining YouTube, Bandcamp or Soundcloud for the weird and wonderful. It's often a trip down the "rabbit hole" as you never know what I will play next.

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