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Fracking and flytipping

meet cabinet

FromeFM were outside broadcasting this week at the Mendip Meet the Cabinet event on Wednesday 29th May in the Cheese and Grain.

Frome residents turned out in force to grill Cabinet members and fracking, flytipping, and tree planting in the Cheese and Grain car park, were just some of the topics under discussion.  There were seven cabinet members in the line up and a wide range of questions were posed.

Councillor Adam Boyden who arranged for the recording to take place at the event said he was delighted so many people from Frome were present and it was the largest turn out they had seen so far at any of their ‘Meet the Cabinet ‘ events in other towns in Mendip.

FromeFM Station Manager Phil Moakes said “The FromeFM team were happy to support the event and to do the outside broadcast recording. If you missed it the first time round or want to hear it again the programme will be broadcast on the weekend of 8/9th June.  Check our website for details.  You can also listen again on the website or download it as a podcast.”