LISTEN: A Summer of Sound Art

LISTEN : A SUMMER OF SOUND ART was a Black Swan Arts project which took place during the summer of 2019

LISTEN: A Summer of Sound Art

The season included exhibitions, installations, concerts, talks, walks and workshops. Check out the artists and programme at

This series of programmes made specially for FromeFM gives a flavour of what LISTEN was all about and incorporates playlists chosen by the artists involved in the season as well as special features on the art works and events that took place at Black Swan Arts and around Frome in the summer of 2019.

Broadcasting every 4th Wednesday between 7 – 8 pm

Listen Show 20 : Far Away Places: Talks by composers Helen Ottaway and Sadie Harrison

This programme is the third focussing on the illustrated talks which were part of the LISTEN season of sound art.

HELEN OTTAWAY spent 6 weeks on the South West Coast of Sri Lanka in 2017 as a participant in the Sura Medura International Artists Residencies.  For more information visit Helen’s blog.

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