Talk, Grow, Thrive

The Talk Grow Thrive Radio Show is part of the Talk, Grow, Thrive community health and wellbeing project in Frome, funded by the Dancing with Dom Foundation.

Talk, Grow, Thrive

It’s the radio show that takes us through our 12 basic human needs and introduces us to the skills and Resources we can all use to live well and thrive.

It's about bringing communities together to take positive action for their health.
Together we will learn and explore what we can do as individuals and as a community to take control of our health and how doing so directly improves the health of our planet.
We will also learn how to improve our communication skills so we can have engaging conversations with anyone about the things that really matter to us.

Every month you can expect plenty of insight and learning, lots of stories, some practical ideas to take away and try for yourself and a selection of music showcasing the incredible talent we have right here in Frome.

Taking your hand and leading the way on this adventure to better health are your hosts Tanya Slater and Alec Stansfield

Tanya is a TedX Speaker, Decluttering Coach, Mentor, entrepreneur and she also works in primary care in Frome. Mum to two boys Tanya has personal experience of crippling mental health challenges, ADHD, Autism and adverse childhood experiences. Her life has made her a passionate advocate for all our mental health and wellbeing and she believes we all deserve to know how to thrive and create whatever song or dance to our life we wish, Which is why she founded The Dancing With Dom foundation after losing her brother to suicide in 2023.

Alec is a fully qualified Human Givens psychotherapist who has worked in the field of well-being for twenty years. Alec and his partner in life and business Bindi Gauntlette trained in psychotherapy together and worked together in a small private therapy practice in Trowbridge.

About ten years ago Alec and Bindi developed a simple and practical tool to use with their clients and in their workshops. That tool is a pack of beautifully illustrated cards called “Anxiety Freedom Cards” to help people grasp some of the basic ideas that underpin their approach to wellbeing. Over the past ten years they have distributed thousands of these packs of cards to English speaking therapists, counsellors and educators all over the world.

They now provide training and resources to a range of organisations which includes university student support teams, mental health charities such as MIND and primary care trusts in the NHS.

You are invited now, to join them for an engaging conversation, that really matters

Join Us

Have an idea for a radio show?  Do you have a passion or interest you want to share with the world?  Want to join our growing community?  Get in touch and we will train you to be a radio presenter!