UK Shed Show

The UK Men’s Sheds Association are working with the Frome Shed, and Frome FM to broadcast a two-hour radio show for the next eight weeks (more if necessary) on the topic of “Staying Connected”. The first show will be 10am on the 25th March 2020.
The emphasis will not be on Coronavirus, but on “Sheds Staying connected”. Whilst being led by Men’s and Women’s Sheds, We hope that the content has a broad appeal to all who are staying at home and self-isolating.
The purpose of this show is to help soften the blow of self-isolating and keep people more in touch with the Sheds and the community they belong to.
The radio show will be made up of telephone interviews with people country-wide about their Sheds, and what they get up to in them. There will also be other guests taking part, which may include subject matter experts, there will some music, and also the opportunities for people to send messages to their Shedders who are self-isolating.
We anticipate that there will be ideas from contributors on how people can “stay connected”. This will include examples of Community involvement. We aim to have a level of light-heartedness and humour.
Listen to all UK Shed Shows here.
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