All About Frome - May 12th

ROWDEN HOUSE – A care home in lock-down, how does it work out?
FROGLIFE- nature activities for people living with dementia
WHY keeps going – HOW?
TONY PERRY – How to get a PIP these days and what to do if you don’t agree with the award.
Istanbul in lockdown – what’s it like?
DOMESTIC ABUSE – Somerset radio campaign launch. What to do if you don’t feel safe at home.
Frome Medical Practice
Latest news from the Frome Medical Practice. The Practice is now divided in to three treatment areas. They’ve done this to keep everyone as safe as they can. The three areas are:
- Respiratory Assessment [Area 3]
- Shielded Patients [Area 7]
- Main Patient Population [Areas 1 & 2]
If you haven’t symptoms of coronavirus (or aren’t living with someone who does) you should attend any appointments you have. If you have worries that aren’t about coronovirus, call the Practice. If you think you might be affected by the virus, call the Practice.
Whatever your concerns -and we all have many concerns – the number to call is 01373 301301.
Frome Recycling
Frome recycling and garden waste collection has reopened. They want you to follow government guidelines, which means if you can store waste safely at home, please do so. They ask that, if it’s not an essential journey, you wait till sites are back to normal.
The site is closed on Thursdays. It’s open the rest of the week. The hours are: 9am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays, 9 to 4 Saturdays and Sundays.
But there are restrictions relating to social distancing, which may cause queues and delays.
Fair Frome
Fair Frome is concentrating on the Food Bank, for which you need a referral from Citizens Advice, Job Centre Plus, health visitors, Frome Medical Practice or social services. Offices may be closed but telephone lines are open.
Food Bank reserves are going down rapidly, so please donate to one of the collection points if you can, or donate some money via the Fair Frome website.
Wild about Frome
The Wild about Frome project was set up last year to encourage biodiversity in Frome’s parks and green spaces. The project is affected by the lockdown as everyone else is. They haven’t been cutting the grass as they usually do. But this has led to a flourishing of wildflowers and wildlife which weren’t there before.
Wild about Frome are keen to get feedback about areas that you’d like to see left wilder in the future. On your daily walk, please take a photo of a verge or a patch if you can. Let them know what’s growing there, and mention any wildlife you can see or here. Email
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