
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us. Alternatively, you can email us directly on the details below.

Office email –

Live shows email -

You can also interact with us on Twitter @FromeFM and on the FromeFM Facebook page.

If you prefer to post us something then please send any mail or demo CDs to:

Frome Community Productions CIC
Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
BA11 1EB

Please note that not all our programmes are live and as such texts, phone messages & emails received during repeated programmes will not be read out. (Texts are charged at your standard network rate.)

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Frome FM members and supporters at a fundraiser quiz

Support Us

FromeFM is a not-for-profit organisation run and managed entirely by volunteer members. We have operating costs of around £16,000 a year from rent, utilities, licences and insurance. We also need keep our equipment up to date so we can stay on the air and even expand our service!